Routine Eye Care

Dr. O’Neal performs routine examinations for patients of all ages.  Whether young children who may have failed a screening exam at school, teenagers learning to drive, middle-aged adults who are beginning to have trouble reading, or older folks with blurry vision from multiple possible causes, Dr. O’Neal can accurately prescribe glasses and/or contact lenses.  Routine-Care-ContentWe will have a full service optical shop to provide quality and fashionable eye-ware dedicated to getting the best possible results for you at a competitive price.

Contact Lenses come in many varieties.  Most patients are fit in comfortable, soft contact lenses.  Hard lenses can also be fit if desired, or if you are already wearing them.  These are called Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses.  They can also provide very clear vision, but are generally less comfortable than soft contacts.  Today, astigmatism can easily be corrected with soft contacts; these are called toric contacts.  For those over 40 years old, a variety of solutions can be used to help with reading.  These include distance contacts plus reading glasses, monovision contacts, where one eye is focused at a distance and the other at near, or bifocal contacts.  Although more expensive, soft contacts these days can accommodate both astigmatism and reading in what are termed toric bifocal contact lenses.

Talk with Dr. O’Neal about what may be the best option for your lifestyle.